Friday, September 18, 2009

Sticker Decor? Not Just for Kids

Remember when stickers were so fascinating to us as little children? Was it the color and texture and the fact that it gave us the ability to have a little design creativity- meaning we could "stick it" wherever we pleased? Remember when we would inevitably "stick it" in the wrong places; mirrors, car windows, car seats, counters, clothes, walls, etc.

As I look back, stickers are often given to little children in happy meals, which to me, is sort of silly since kids have no regard for nice things, making it a constant struggle between parent and child to keep the child from doing what is natural and "sticking it" somewhere. Why do people who give stickers to children want to create chaos I ask?

Alas, a day has come to bring the child out in all of us. Blik, is a company based in Venice, CA which has found a way to create interesting and bold wall art that is impermanent. I spoke about them yesterday, in my posting about Black and White.

"blik is made from an ultra-thin, self-adhesive matte vinyl film. blik Re-Stik™ is made from a slightly thicker, self-adhesive, polypropylene film." I used something similar to this once for two events I designed. This material is great for residential or commercial interior projects (they can even do custom murals.) All you do is pull it off the sheet and "stick it" wherever you like. This is great for renters or even those who want something unique and colorful on the wall but don't want to spend the money on wall paper or a custom hand-painted mural. All of these decals range between $30-$100 (pretty much.)

Here are some of my favorites:

Rococo Pop

Nessa Headboard

Lacy Sunday

Wrought Iron Headboard

Iron Vines

Classic Chair Backs



Incredible Circus

The Birth Day

This is a great option for a quick fix to a wall covering dilema, and adds a huge impact. Whether you want to make it more of a POP ART type installation, or infuse it into your classic interior, these decals are a brilliant idea.


The Designista


Funny Girl said...

Love the birds!

The Designista said...

I really like them too. I think of scandinavian design when I see them. It also reminds me of the movie "The Notebook" and "Pelican Brief." Two picturesque scenes.

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