Sunday, June 28, 2009
Subscribe to The Designista today!!!!!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Antique Shop Extravaganza

Isn't this room so fun and glamorous even with the iron patio furniture acting as interior furniture!?! Very much reminiscent of the golden era of Hollywood! The Banana Leaf Wallpaper is still available today at I intend on designing a room one day with this wallpaper- either for someone else, or perhaps my own garden and patio room. Yes, that's right. You heard me. I will have a garden room one day!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Let the painting begin- Goodbye Yellow, Hello Hazy Blue

Well, I am off to work now, but wanted to share my decision with you today. I am going to buy a scanner today. There are so many things I want to show you; for instance, the nurseries mentioned above and sketches and inspirations photos am using for my own design purposes.
Have a great day everyone!!!
The Designista
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Open door policy to my bedroom
Well, I have decided to let you in on my trials and triumphs when it comes to my design process. The first project will be my personal bedroom here in the East Village in New York City. I'll take you through the tour of my room as-is right now. Keep in mind- I moved to NYC without any furniture. These are things I am accumulating one-day-at-a-time!
Here goes:
I am standing on my desk to get this shot because my room is so small. 10x12- actually, that's not too bad for NYC standards! I bought the bed, nightstand, floor lamp, desk and small filling cabinet (shown in the pictures below) from the guy I rented from at Columbus Circle. I bought all of that for $200.00 and no moving needed to be done! Not my first choice of furnishings, but convenient none the less. The bedding, though to some may seem loud in terms of color, makes me so happy. I contemplated this purchase for almost 4 months. I feel like it reflects my personality- crazy, fun, colorful, and somewhat misunderstood by many! I bought it at Anthropoligie. The quilt and euro shams are from the Bella Collection and the standard shams are from the Iris collection. I didn't want to do it all from the same collection because it looks to matchy-match. It has somewhat of a country feel to it because of the fabric and quilting, so I am going to look for a silk Ikat fabric in the garment district to make a pillow or two for more formal accents to the bedding. I am on a desperate search for a headboard. Think I may have found one- I'll keep you posted (literally!) The whole look of this bedroom was formed from the bedding. This room will have an ecclectic look of french bohemian aka Moulin Rouge-esque, meets Great Expectations (the movie,) meets contemporary lines and ethnic flair!
A little note about NYC: I had to store this at TJ Maxx for a week until I could bring it home somehow. As a transplant, you forget that you can't just put something in your car. Alot of places have delivery, but it adds up. That is one reason why this city is so expensive. $5 delivery from Trader Joes +tip, $15 delivery from Bed Bath and Beyond, $7 dollar cab ride from TJ Maxx..... the list goes on and on.
The little table was an important find. I have that giant pink jewelry box from Hold Everything (which unfortunately went out of business a couple years ago,) and needed something for it to sit on. I also found this table at TJ Maxx. I paid $59 for it. I like the lines, perfect size, and the fact it has a drawer and shelf for storage. Living in NY, I have really had to become storage conscious. I envision this table in a red paint, reminiscent of the old chinese red laquer pieces, and a really unique and large piece of hardware for the drawer pull.
I am so embarrassed about the fact I am plastering this messy pic on the net, but what can I say? I am still moving/ designing/ figuring out where to put everything! Like I said before, I bought the desk from one of my subletors. It does not work in the room, but for right now it will have to..... I have something very specific in my mind, and will keep searching craigslist for the right piece. Above the desk will be shelving.... still contemplating the design of it though.
I love this dresser! I needed a tall and skinny piece that fit in this specific space and saw this on craigslist. It comes across in the picture as cream, but in reality it is fairly yellow with gold leaf paint accents. But surprisingly, it works. I am not a huge fan of the hardware (very dated,) but "that'll do" for right now (That's a Babe reference for any of you who didn't catch that. Gosh- I don't know if I have ever quote Babe!) So many other things to focus on. And hardware can get pricy..... so we'll see. I may eventually paint it, but it does look nice with the yellow in my bedding. I bought this from craigslist for $115. Great condition- and they delivered it up to my 5-floor walkup!!!!!
I have two windows in my bedroom which I LOVE!!!!!! I get so much light and my windows look onto the center of the buldings where there are trees and it really is just a pleasant view. I am looking forward to doing something fun with the widow treatments. I envision one panel draperies on a rod pulled to either side of the widows. My bedroom window is directly across from a yoga studio, so everday I see the people practicing yoga, and I can't even imagine what they see me doing!
This little piece will always hold a special place in my heart. I bought this at a flea market aka junk market the first morning I woke up in my new East Village apartment. I was out for a walk early sunday morning and stepped into a parking lot where older ukranians, many of which had cigarettes hanging out of their mouth, were selling any and everything. I bought this lantern for $10. I was told it worked, and when I plugged it into the wall, a wire was exposed and it electricuted me and sparks started flying out of the socket! AHHHHH!!!!! I was flipping out! My hand had black burns on it for a day or so and I was definitely shaking for a couple hours- and not because of fear, but electric currents still flowing through my body! I am not sure what I will do with this piece. I'll for sure take the amber glass out (save it for something else) and probably spray paint it a bold color. Whether or not I'll rewire it, is another story.
This is my first official design post. The next thing on the agenda is paint! Paint color verdict - posted tomorrow!!!!
The Designista
Big Drop Event- I got my pics on the net! Looks like I'm coming up!
Last week, I was helping out at a shopping event that Big Drop hosted for Dress for Success. A percentage of the proceeds went to the charity. There were some photographers there and I got my picture on a couple of websites. Since I am so new to this scene, I thought it was really fun!!!
I met this great girl at the event who blogs about all things related to fashion. Her blog is Check it out!
This was the caption to the picture: "Amy, Big Drop NYC Sales Assistant who is coming out with her own interior design blog by next week. We totally had a convo about blogging. My words of wisdom "Dude, it's SOO addictive!" Word."
Thanks Eileen for the shout out! And you're right, it is addictive!
The Designista
Sunday, June 21, 2009
First, a little about me- Miss Amy Davis
For those of you who don't know me..... HI!!!!!
Amy Davis (1979 - )
I thought about going right into my first design post, but then realized, there might actually be people who wonder who I am, why I live in New York, and what I am doing here. Let me be the first to say, "My name is Amy Davis. I grew up in sunny southern California all my life, and moved to New York City on February 11th, 2009- 6 days before my 30th birthday." People ask me what I did for my birthday. "Anything special?" "Ummmm, yeah. I moved to New York."
And now onto my brief history:
Though I always had a strong passion for events, I knew I needed to get into the interior design world. After all, I did go to school for it! One thing led to another and I met a woman, who I proudly call my good friend, and started to work for her. She, too, went to FIDM. Here's a little lesson- NETWORK everyone! You never know who you are going to meet. I was her "project manager" for huge international projects. I even got to travel to London, Paris, and Bali. I received so much training and the travel wasn't bad either! I was truly blessed!
Now let me give you the dirt on why I came here to New York. Ever since I can remember, I knew I was bound for the city life- New York, San Francisco, Chicago, Boston.... I just wanted to be where there was endless excitement, fashion, design, and people, people, people. But, as life happens, things always came up and before I knew it, years had passed. Excuses like, "I have a good job, I have a boyfriend, I don't want to leave the weather, I may be too old for that life, I'll miss my family, this is good enough for right now, maybe later, do I really want to live in a shoebox?" But it was always in the back of my mind..... and weighing me down with regret, more often than not.
So....... after a difficult break up with someone I had spent years of my life with, as well as some dating disasters that followed, I decided to quit my job and move to New York! Yippee!!!!!!! I gave notice on my apartment and when it came down to finally moving, I CHICKENED OUT. Can you believe it? And again, I came up with all the aforementioned excuses (sans the boyfriend and job, of course) and was now in limbo. Thanks to my grandfather and his vacant house, I moved to San Clemente, California, where I spent 10 months living one block from the beach. I took a hiatus from design and started working at Nordstrom. I did a few freelance design jobs here and there, but primarily worked at Nordstrom. I am sure I'll go back one day and perhaps settle in Orange County permanently. Living at the beach is really a wonderful life. But I am not ready for that yet!
Though I LOVED living so close to the beach, I still thought about New York daily, but I never really talked about it with anyone. I was tired of being the girl that cried wolf. Then, on New Years Eve, I was sick with a cold and laying in bed. I remember I was watching "Love Actually" and even though I was sick, I was still drinking champagne. I refused to be at home on New Year's Eve and sober!!! But I had a moment of realization and it became clear to me that I had to move to Manhattan or I would regret it for the rest of my life. I didn't want to regret not doing things anymore. So.... I made the decision. Three weeks later, a friend of a friend was going to travel for two months and needed someone to take over the lease for that time. It worked out perfectly. From the moment I made my decision to my arrival in Manhattan, it was 6 weeks. My sister and best friend from college both live in New York, and they met me at my apartment that night. I finally took a leap and the net appeared. I was safe!
Living here has been an absolute blast and the experience of a lifetime. Meeting new people, traveling on the subway, food and entertainment, city life, staying up all night, a Britney Spears concert and so much more. Check out the pics below of two wonderful memories of mine in this city.
But with all the fun, there has also been some difficult times- emotionally I should say. It has, at times, been really hard. The biggest point of contention is my living situation. I moved here in February and lived in East Williamsburg for six weeks, then moved to Columbus Circle across the street from Central Park for 2-1/2 months, and now just moved to the East Village. It has been hard settling down. And now, though I LOVE the location, I live with roommates.... Something I haven't done in 8 years. Also, my dog, Penny, is still at home with my mother. I decided to leave her at home until I was able to provide a comfortable place for her to live here in the city. I miss her so much, but thank goodness my cat Chloe is here with me! The job market is not so great here in New York, but I am actively looking for an opportunity that will allow me to live on my own, even in a borough, and bring Penny out here! Currently, I work at a high-end fashion boutique in SOHO, Big Drop, where I have the occasional celebrity customer. I have met some really great friends there, and for that, I am very thankful!
Putting the above complaints aside, I have never regretted my move. Don't get me wrong, there were times where I was severely homesick, especially during my first snow blizzard, and thought about coming home, but thank goodness for my friends and family who slapped me back into place! They know how much this move meant to me and they weren't about to let me come home just because it got a little hard! Thanks guys!
I just wanted to share with you my little history, and for those of you that know me, this could have gone on for days. I am notorious for telling stories that never end! There are just so many details I think are important...but no reason to bore you with them. Perhaps this little story will give the umph to someone who's made a lot of excuses for not pursuing their dreams. If so, don't let the moment pass anymore.
This has been the experience of a lifetime and I am so looking forward to what each day brings!
Now..... Let the creative postings begin!!!!! Wooohooo!
The Designista
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Welcome! Amy Davis has finally started her blog!!!
The name Designista came about because much like the term "fashionista," which obviously revolves around fashion, my blog will include all things related to design. One thing it will specifically focus on, which is one of my biggest passions, is taking old finds at flea markets, antique shops, family garages and closets (my own type of treasure chest,) and something big in NYC, street finds, and revamping them into new and fabulous pieces! I have always loved the idea of taking something one already owns and changing it into something quite unexpected for a new punch of color or added glamour to an existing space.
Entertaining has also been something dear to my heart. If there is an event to plan, I am there. Flowers to design, count me in! I have so many ideas to share regarding dining, events, and entertaining, I can't wait to share them with you.
Now, being a recent transplant from California to NYC, I can only begin to tell you the things I have experienced here so far; fabulous dining, new friendships, great museums, amazing shopping, roof top events, and so much more. Though, on the other hand, being so new, I am starting from scratch when trying to find design resources- wholesale flower marts, garment district, flea markets and second hand shops..... the list goes on and on.
The Designista will be a place for me to express the creativity that takes place in my life daily and will hopefully help others to harness their own creativity from within themselves. This blog will encompass all things from finding inspiration in Henri Bendels department store for a new jewelry display in my room (stay tuned for this entry!) to finding the perfect vintage dresser on craigslist, planning the "Perfect Picnic in the Park" (another entry I am looking forward to writing) or backyard bar-b-que in midtown manhattan.
Thanks so much for stopping by to check out my blog. My goal is to start with a posting a day and eventually, as I learn more about this thing called "the blogosphere," I can post multiple times a day. So check in often!
Cheers everyone! If I had a glass of champagne in my hand right now, I'd toast you!